Aleksandra Wójtowicz, The Architectural Literary Studies
Warsaw: Publisher ILR PAS (Wydawnictwo Instytutu Badań Literackich PAN), 2019

Reviewers: prof. dr hab. Grażyna Borkowska, prof. dr hab. Marek Zaleski
Cover desing: Jacek Wardęcki
Editing: Wioleta Grządkowska
Proof-reading: Tomasz Ostromęcki
Printing: PLATAN, Liszki
This is a proposition for an approach in literary studies which focuses on space analysis pursued with a different objective in mind than so far. It draws from the existing analytical propositions (text interpretation, space semiotics, elements of literary theory, and scholarly editing) and from Bertand Westphal’s geocriticism, the elements of which are used and developed under the banner of a different motivation. For this approach is not connected with an analysis of literary space or literary representation of actual space, but with an analysis of (broadly understood) textual testimonies regarding the space examined. Taking into consideration the achievements made so far, this approach attempts to respond to the social needs signaled by architects and urban planners who take up the issue of the commercialization of project initiatives and the lack of local zoning plans and top-down guidelines, and, first and foremost, emphasize the need for scholarly reflection, including humanistic reflection, to accompany architectural actions.