eds Aleksandra Wójtowicz, Jacek Paulinek
Warsaw: Publisher ILR PAS (Wydawnictwo Instytutu Badań Literackich PAN), 2019

Reviewers: prof. dr hab. Ewa Paczoska, prof. dr hab. Arkadiusz Bagłajewski
Cover desing: Jacek Wardęcki
Editing: Wioleta Grządkowska
Index: Krzysztof Smólski
Proof-reading: Krystyna Kiszelwewska-Kotyńska
Printing: PLATAN, Liszki
This volume contains a collection of texts delivered during a conference at the Institute of Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. The papers deal with the urban space of Warsaw and Łódź, as well as theoretical considerations, carried out from the point of view of literary theorists, cultural studies experts, sociologists, geographers, architects and professionals interested in various kinds of historicism (archive studies and Warsaw studies). A glance at the publication as a whole reveals the essence of interdisciplinary studies, the kind of connections between the various disciplines, based on analyses of a given theme that is not grouped under an integrating umbrella.
This is the first volume in a trilogy of the grant Architectural literary studies (Literaturoznawstwo architektoniczne), centered around not only historical studies of selected sites, but also a meta-scientific reflection. Humanist Reflection in Urban Planning is a collection of research results on a given theme, carried out independently by different academics. The assumption was that it correspond (and show the differences as well) with volume three, a product of this project and it presents the analyses of two Warsaw squares and the results of research of the interdisciplinary team, whose goal was to develop a transdisciplinary model.